About me

resHi, welcome here. My name is Jens Depuydt, living in Belgium, and have a long-time passion for everything that has to do with technology and IT. I have had this interest for as long as I can remember and even as a small child I was already fascinated by everything that had in one or another way some electrical wires. The hands-on started with breaking stuff and eventually I managed to put things back together (most of the time). This passion and interest resulted in tech-related studies and job.

Since the “usual” stuff couldn’t keep me excited anymore, I developed an extra interest in platforms that are less common and especially the interaction/communication between them. Previously, I was working as a mainframe, IBM System z, consultant for z/OS, z/VM and Linux on z. Later, I worked as a pure Linux system engineer tied to one company. Since I was missing some diversity and challenges, I’m currently working with a tech giant, helping people and teams to support products that are complex and in incubation phase. I figured that my daily struggles with technology and all that has to do with that could be interesting to share with the world.

Next to all the tech related stuff, I actually do real-life “normal” stuff as well. I’m married, have two daughters and like to spend time with them and with my friends. Besides that, I love drinking, err.. tasting, beer, can appreciate a proper slow cooked BBQ, like to listen to music and to compensate all that goodness life has to offer, I try to hit the gym when I can.

In case you think I could be of any help to you or you can point me out some nice, new technology, feel free to write me a message :)

You can also find me on:
– Twitter: @jensdepuydt
– GitHub: jensdepuydt
– LinkedIn: Jens Depuydt

28 thoughts on “About me

  1. omg…you are from Belgium! Hope you like Anheuser-Busch…my fave Beer!

    Your articles are awesome & as a student I learn a lot from your contribution(s)!!! Already clicked your Pub.

    I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and thank you Jens for your time!!!

  2. Dear Jensd,
    your earlier video to upgrade from windows 10 to windows 11 on unsupported hardware is quite good but when I follow your method to fix empty security issue, then receive following message
    0xc1900101-0x30018 error in first_boot phase during sysprep_specialize operation
    can you please help to solve this issue.
    Thanks and waiting your kind response

  3. Hi Jens,
    I have an iMac21,1 and I was tried install Win11 with you instructions “Install Windows 11 natively on Mac” but when I was tried to Restart with Option key pressed, it did not worked. Keep rebooting in iOS
    I would appreciate your help pleas.

    thank you in advance

  4. HI Jens
    thank you for your very helpful blog
    I spent a great time in Belgium a few years ago much enjoying tasting some of the fine beer!
    I am trying to use your instructions to install monterey on my 5,1 mac but am running into some issues when I try to hold down the option key on power-up and and can not get to the boot selector screen. I think the issue is because I am using an RX580 graphics card
    I would really love any help you can advise with this
    Many thanks

  5. Hello Jens,
    My name is Victor, from Brooklyn, New York USA. Before I continue I would like to thank you for your videos which by far, in hindsight of my research and efforts in putting together my first computer, are without question are the best!!! I was in desperate need of a good computer but due to the pandemic my finances would…
    And so I went looking through dumpsters and anywhere else you could imagine. Eventually I found a discarded Dell 9020 in the trash.
    Your methods are commendable. Straight to the point, clear and concise.
    I finally was able to narrow down why it wasn’t finding the Hard drive.
    A $5.00 USD Cable was missing.
    I have everything together now, it starts, but shuts off within seconds.
    I’ll play around with it and maybe I’ll locate what may be causing the shutdown. However, at your convenience if you or anyone else that may read about my current issue and has a suggestion, it will be greatly appreciated.
    Once again, thank you for it was through your videos that I currently have the extended knowledge of computers that I do.
    Wish you and yours, and everyone prosperity and abundance

  6. Hello, Jens) my name is Ksenia and im from Ukraine) thank you for your blog, I’ve been reading it for last year. i found it accidentally while was surfing how to solve my mac m1 issue about virtual windows) and i stayed here for a while ) next stem im going to try to set up win95 on mac m1 )))) it will be funny i guess).

  7. Jens,

    Thank you for your W11 install appraiserres,dll breakthrough. Using it with another method we have been able to upgrade 15 out of 16 newer and older HP/Dell workstations/laptops to W11 22H2. I term this a “hybrid” approach with your .dll contribution equally important to the larger github AveYo method components.

    On the US HP workstation forum this is up to 970 views, and has been working well for others: Go to the middle of page 2 of this thread:

    With this October “Patch Tuesday” these installs all have received both W11 22H2 OS and security updates automatically. Thanks again…

    • Update: Now over 35 PCs, laptops, and workstations updated to W11 22H2, all of which are receiving the security and OS updates from Windows Update automatically. That process does not appear to check the hardware… it just sees what OS is present and offers the latest updates automatically based on that. Each of these computers is “unsupported” for W11, yet is working fine. I still have not been able to upgrade the HP Z440 workstation that is running a HP proprietary Z Turbo Drive fine under W10. That is a PCIe card with a NVMe M.2 stick in it serving as the boot drive.

  8. I was able to follow your videos and guidance on your website to load Windows 98 SE onto my MacBook Pro. However, when I get to the park about installing the PCI Ethernet Card, Windows prompts me to load “choosusr.dll” and dozens of other files on the Windows CD-ROM, but they cannot be found even when the Windows CD ROM is in the virtual drive. I tried browsing different folders and directories but nothing loads. Then when the virtual machine restarts it crashes and needs to be re-installed. Please help. :-)

  9. Hi Jens,

    Just a quick than you for your blog post on writing to InfluxDB with Python. I watched a few YouTube videos and read several help pages (including influx docs) before I came across yours and it was the only one that I could follow and get the thing to work. Many thanks and all the best.


  10. Mac Mini Late 2012 – macOS Ventura and SSD Upgrade
    Great tutorial. Stalwart of a machine!

  11. Hi Jens,

    I want to upgrade my mac mini (2012) with with 2 x 16gb RAM, is that possible?

  12. Hi Jens amazing video on how to get Win11 on Mac Pro 2,1. I also have a 2,1 and modded to run El Cap 11.6 on. To get Win11 on it seems a bit techy for me. Could I pay you to send me a clone of your Win11 Drive and send to me ? Thanks so much for considering, it would go a long way to keep using these great machines that are basically thrown away!!

  13. Hi Jens, I used your video to install windows 11 on some older Lenovo pcs, and it worked fine. Thank you.
    However, I am not able to install the latest accumulative updates on a couple of the pcs. 2023-09 Accumulative Update (KB5230219).
    Nor, on one of them, Security Update 2022-08 KB5012170 (Error 0x800f0922)

    Do you have any suggestion on how I can deal with this? If you need any further info please let me know.
    Thanks for your time.

  14. Hi Jens, I used your video to install Windows on macbook10,1.
    Unfortunately, I made errors in downloading the boot camp driver suitable for macbook10,1.
    I got BootCampESD.pkg file, and I also got payload~ file too.
    But I can’t extract payload.
    I think you can help me.
    hope to hear from you soon.

  15. Hi Jens, could you kindly download the boot camp driver suitable for MacBook10,1?

  16. Hello I would like to check with you if you will post a video to teach us how to upgrade windows 11 23H2 for unsupported hardware? I find your last one on 22 H2 very helpful so I hope you will help us again for 23H2 thanks

  17. Jens! Thank you so much for your help, I followed one of your videos on YouTube to install Sonoma on an older MacMini. How can I buy you a beer/lunch?

  18. Hi
    thema: MacPro 2009 4.1 to 5.1 update

    We seen your video on youtube and we have the same config as you
    MacPro early 2009
    16gb ram
    W3520 processor
    The problem. is update. firmware
    because is not working.
    My machine boot ing normally and keeping the originall FW. 4.1
    I making step by step. you writing your website and the video but not working.
    What is wrong?
    Please help me .
    Thanks : Atti

    Thank s your answer .

  19. Hi Jens,
    Also wanted to leave a post on your main page about your article on how to load the latest macOS in a VM on a Windows machine –> https://jensd.be/2273/windows/run-a-macos-sonoma-vm-on-a-windows-pc <–
    Yours was probably the 20th different walkthrough I had tried, and in all of the previous attempts something would always go wrong and the later macOS version would never properly load.
    20th time was the charm, yours worked perfectly, not even a bump in the road, every single step worked exactly as you detailed it (which is really rare in IT, especially with the number of steps involved). Kudos on the walkthrough, and thanks a million, getting it to finally work has made my week!

  20. Hi there,

    Firstl of all, I’m very thankful that you have made a video on how to do upgrade on Mac Mini late 2014 SSD. I have also got another issue hoping that you can provide some guidance. One of my thunderbolt port (left side) is not working. Is there any tweaks I can fix this ?

  21. Hi Jens, I already left a message on the page where you explain how to install Windows 98 SE. I am also using Windows 98SE on a Mac OS 10.13 via VM Fusion. But now I am trying to merge this laptop with a M1 by maintaining the structure of each, i.e. I am trying to find how to start my OS 10.13 & VM W98SE on a M1 machine running OS12.4. Do you think this is possible? I was thinking of using my old hard disc as an external disc from the M1 via a VM on the M1. But that’s just a dream as I am no IT specialist at all. Your help would be really appreciated.

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