When there is a need to upgrade an existing Linux installation that has been running for some time, there is always a certain fear of breaking things. Especially if the machine has been doing it’s job fine for a long time. Unfortunately we can’t escape these kind of things and in most cases it’s better to move to a new version before it gets unsupported. Fortunately the procedure and success of this process has been greatly improved with recent versions of (Debian) Linux. This post will take you through the required steps to upgrade an existing Debian 9 to the current stable Debian 10 installation.
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Read data from the Belgian digital meter through the P1 port
Like some other Belgians, unfortunately, my analog electricity meter was replaced by a digital one since a few months. Initially, I was quite happy with the change as it allows a much easier look into your consumption and solar panel injection to the net. But exactly that last turned out to be a bummer as the government decided to not keep their word regarding reversing consumption with solar panel injection. Nevertheless, I have the thing so I might as well take advantage of it. This post describes how to connect to and use the data from the P1 port on a digital electricity meter in Belgium.
Continue readingData lezen van de P1 poort op de Belgische digitale elektriciteitsmeter
Zoals enkele andere Belgen werd, jammer genoeg, ook mijn analoge elektriciteitsmeter vervangen door een digitaal exemplaar. Initieel was ik daar best wel blij mee gezien het hiermee gemakkelijker is om het verbruik en opbrengst van de zonnepanelen bij te houden. Dat laatste is net he probleem, gezien de overheid heeft beslist dat de teller niet langer kan “terugdraaien”. Los daarvan, ik heb de meter nu dus kan ik er zowel gebruik van maken. Dit artikel beschrijft hoe je de meter kunt verbinden met je computer en hoe je de data van de P1 poort kunt gebruiken voor een Belgische digital elektriciteitsmeter.
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